China is new to free market capitalism but in just 25 years it has reshaped the economic equation in America and the world. Why? Because of scale - China's population is almost five times bigger than ours. And because decades of communist austerity have made the Chinese unimaginably hungry for a better way of life. Reporter Kris Hundley and photographer Bob Croslin spent a month in China, tracking the causes and effects of the world's fastest growing economy.
Every so often, officials at LuminX Co. in Mogadore shake their heads and wonder whether doing business in China is worth the bother.It takes years to build relationships. Centrally planned projects often run out of money, causing delays or cancellations. And Chinese officials have different understandings of such business basics as contracts and letters of credit.
A DOOR TO CHINA TRADE: Local businesses are seeking to crack the Asian nation's market by way of Hong Kong.
Nancy Cordaro has her eye on China.But business trips for Cordaro _ whose Cordaro and Associates helps match toy and baby-products manufacturers with overseas factories _ usually take her to Hong Kong instead. That's because as tempting as it is to try to ride the skyrocketing Chinese economy, she figures she needs help to deal with China's boggling business practices.

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