This is a small footnote to the editorial ``Asian heroes'' (July 11).The other day, I bought a disposable lighter. I should have looked at it closer, because on the bottom, it read, ``made in China.'' I do not consider myself a ``Buy American'' jingo, because we have such an enormous multitude of fine products available to us from our global neighbors. But because of the unconscionable human rights violations of the...
A boon for China:, Barriers to textiles are coming down
On sheets and shirts, napkins and neckties, and a host of other products, one label is set to become increasingly widespread: Made in China.Already, the world's most populous nation exports more than $60 billion in textiles and clothing annually, and analysts predict trade-rule changes this month will hand China the biggest share of the $350 billion global trade market. And many believe this will be a boon to consumers in the United States as clothing prices go down because of...
Envoy says China ready to boost economic, social, cultural rights
Geneva, 29 April: China has made great achievements in promoting and protecting the economic, social and cultural rights, and is ready to cooperate with the international community to bring about the progressive and full realization of all the rights in this aspect, Chinese Ambassador Sha Zukang said Friday [29 April].The review of China's initial report on the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has received broad attention both...